Just listing a few books which helped me to go through some changes in my life and still using them.

My understanding is that there are no bad books, it all depends on the answers you are looking for at the time.

Brian L. Weiss

Shirley MacLaine

·  Many Lives, Many Masters

·  Going Within

·  Only Love is Real

·  Dance While You Can

·  Through Time Into Healing

·  Don’t Fall Off the Mountain

·  Message from the Masters

·  Out On a Limb

Hiroshi Doi

·  It's All in the Playing

·  Modern Reiki Method for Healing

·  Dancing in the Light

Diane Stein

Tanmaya Honervogt

·  Essential Reiki

·  The Power of Reiki

Louise L. Hay

A. Charlish & A. Robertshaw

·  The Power is Within You

·  Secrets of Reiki

·  You Can Heal Your Life

Betty J. Eadie


·  Embraced By The Light


·  The Awakening Heart



·  The Way of the Wizard - Deepak Chopra


·  Other Lives Other Selves - Roger J. Woolger


·  Past Lives, Future Lives - Jenny Cockell


·  Strangers Among Us - Ruth Montgomery


·  Everyone is a Psychic - Elizabeth Fuller


·  On Dreams - Edgar Cayce


·  Talking to Heaven - James Van Praagh


·  Discovering Past Lives - Bettye B. Binder


·  Ask Your Angels - Andrew Ramer, Alma Daniels, Timothy Wyllie


·  Formula One, Uncovered - Derick Allsop


·  The Mechanic's Tale - Steve Matchett


·  Deadly Obsessions, Life and Death in F1 - Phil Shirley


·  The Powerbrokers - Alan Henry


·  Kurt Browning - Forcing the Edge