Since Greg Moore’s tragedy, in 1999, I started thinking how Reiki could assist, in some way, to the sports that I could follow. Desperate to understand the circumstances, I started looking more and more seriously about Reiki; without interfering and respecting the Reiki Code of Ethics.

During the year 2000, I researched the unknown link between Reiki and Sports; from the point of view of a fan. At the end of the racing season and other summer sports, specifically in November 2000, I felt the urge to continue my research into winter sports. The closest sport and easiest here in Canada is hockey.

As I did with F1, the search for my favorite hockey team started. Watching hockey this time around, was better than before! I picked my teams, and since then the experience begun...

In Australia, Melbourne 2001, F1 racing experienced another tragedy. The first race of the season was overshadowed by tragedy when a car had a spectacular accident. One car hit another launching it into the air, somersaulting along the perimeter fence killing a marshal and injuring several spectators.

It was time to do something.

In March 2001, I took my 2nd Reiki level, and by November I was ready for my Master. It was a great year for my development. I became more involved in the healing process and appreciated and valued it even more. My Reiki Master-Teacher Barbara Keshen is an amazing person. Her knowledge and techniques inspire me to do what I do today, and to continue on our journeys. I’m very thankful to Barb.

Since then, Reiki is present at many events that I follow.

In the year 2000, I became a member of the Canadian Reiki Association. With my background and enthusiasm, I intend to support and create new ways of enjoying, what i like to do best, sharing Reiki.

There are many, many ways to use Reiki in sports, it all depends on the approach you want to take and the goals you want to achieve.

Through my experiences of applying Reiki (albeit from a distance) to the sports that I like, I want everyone to know there is a very simple way to enjoy, even more, what you like to do best! Reiki is that invisible help that everyone wants.

Reiki, being a healing energy, works at all levels. Anybody can use it, there is no limit to it.